Buckyballs can be composed of countless shapes, some of you may not know how to call, Because you will be the first one who created it. 
Buckyballs can provide you with hours of entertainment, That means that buckyballs have attracted you finish off playing the strong attraction. When you meet that have been formed shape or want to start to create other shapes, You simply need to change the particle magnetic beads arranged Try to create more other shapes.  You can use a lifetime trying to create different types of shapes. Educational role Simply byBuckyBallsYou can improve your geometric intuition and mathematics ability. You can useBuckyBallsAs an educational tool to combine textbook learning, Which can be both theoretical and practical aspects of geometrical knowledge for better understanding. As the geometry of space requires a strong imagination, So theBuckyBallsAs a teaching tool can effectively improve the geometric subjects results.  提高创造力 大多数的游戏和智力玩具都只是要求你简单地组成预设的形状。 而BuckyBalls却可以令你任意发挥想像力, 随意创造出各种类型的形状。  有效刺激左右脑 BuckyBalls确实是一种神奇的智力玩具。 BuckyBalls可以同时刺激和锻炼你的左右脑, 比起其他类型的智力玩具,BuckyBalls可以令你得益更多。 当你玩BuckyBalls时,你不仅要运用到空间想像能力以及创造力, 还会运用到你的逻辑思维能力甚至是数学方面的知识。 这就使你同时锻炼左右脑成为可能。
减压作用,磁性保健作用!! BuckyBalls其中一个大的作用是可以令你释放压力。 BuckyBalls的减压作用是源于他的构造。 像其他减压玩具一样,BuckyBalls可以被变形,扭曲,从而令你释放情感。 优胜于其它玩具,BuckyBalls是由216个独立磁性小球组成, 你可以用力将BuckyBalls那些磁性小球分开, 然后完美地将他们结合在一起。 